Monday, 31 December 2007

new year, working in radio, and blog neglect...

Ok, so I feel bad for neglecting my blog for over two weeks... so I'll try to make this one a good post!!!

At the moment I am working in radio, manning the news room of The Pulse in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Covering all the big stories in Huddersfield, Halifax and Bradford and anything international that comes up. Writing the stories then reading them live on air.

Bhutto has been a recurring theme in my bulletins lately, as Pakistan plunges into chaos. And it looks like Kenya may be heading the same way. Elections are a tricky thing, and tensions run high...

The local stories are generally quite grim, such as the killing of a 13 month old boy by his family's pet dog in Wakefield.

But the New Year is upon us, so fresh starts all around!

January sees me begin a three week work placement at BBC Manchester, which should be rewarding.

More soon

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