Friday, 12 October 2007

Dispatches and computer problems...

So Friday has come, and the reason my blogs are so sporadic at the moment is down to internet problems in my hall of residence. It has now been a week and nothing has been done to fix it... so in the library I am. Again.

And last night, my faithful Toshiba decided to throw a hissy fit and blow its backlight. Fortunately it's still under warranty, so the repair shouldn't cost me. Fingers crossed.

Just sat in a fascinating lecture from Deborah Davis, who regular makes programs for Channel 4's Dispatches. If there was ever an opening for my to work in that sort of field, I would snap it up. The work she has done is fascinating, and often extremely gritty. This Wednesday night will see the screening of her latest, so please watch.

Slightly more lighthearted... A fountain in a west Tokyo park has been turned off as children playing in it were being too noisy. That's according to Asahi news. Nishi-Tokyo Ikoino-Mori Park has also banned skateboarders.

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