Tuesday, 16 October 2007


Today is the day we begin to discuss placements for the new year... So for three weeks in January, I will be heading out to a radio station to get a real feel for the industry.

But where? My first thoughts are to request BBC Guernsey... a place I can feel at home, with relatives, and a place I love and that is small enough to gain an insight into all areas of news reporting, hopefully. But then again, how about London? Or even back in Yorkshire? Decisions decisions...

I don't know who's noticed, but at the bottom of this page is a map showing where viewers of this blog are from... seems that in the last week I have attracted visitors from Scandinavia, The USA and Ireland. So thanks to anyone who regularly reads my musings!

Just a comment on the news today... Guernsey is contemplating solutions for its sewage problems, according to the BBC, and since 2003, 112 foreign seamen have gone missing in one port town in Japan, according to Yomiuri.

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